We’ve had some wonderful media coverage for the Bedfordale House. There’s been great feedback from both local and national press, design and building awards and social media.
Recently another opportunity came up. We had the chance to enter the International Design and Architectural Awards (IDAA) 2016.
If you’re shortlisted you are encouraged to attend the award ceremony in London.

My daughter now lives in London and it seemed like a great idea to have an excuse to visit her (not that I really need one of course!)
My associate, French architect Catherine Lee has now worked with me since 2003. We were the “team” on the Bedfordale House for nearly 5 years. Attending the awards ceremony together would be an opportunity for us to celebrate a wonderful project, a reason to go to London and then very importantly an excuse for Cat to fly on to see her elderly parents in France.
We decided to give it a go. Once we’d entered we didn’t think any more about it.
This week we found out that the Bedfordale House has been shortlisted in two categories. We are in the Residential £2.5-5 Million Property By Value Award for overseas entrants and in the Pool-House Award category.
So now Catherine and I are going to go fly to London for the award ceremony.
It’s pretty cool. I looked at the other short-listed categories and previous winners. There are some amazing houses in the collection.

So there’s a bit of excitement in the office now that we in the running for this international award. The International Design & Architecture Awards Ceremony 2016 will be held on Friday 2nd September 2016 at The Dorchester, London.
You can read more about our nomination at The Design Society.
To check out our competition there is a the full list of nominees at The Design Awards.
Residential £2.5-5 Million Property By Value Award
Pool-House Award
Voting is now open: How To Vote