Suzanne Hunt: Architect Suzanne Hunt shows Chloe Vellinga her favourites Post: June 18, 2017
My Family:
This photo was taken on my dad’s birthday. My sisters and I decided to go out just with mum and dad – it was the first time we had gone out for lunch without our partners and children for decades. We had an absolute blast. I asked the waitress to take this photo and I am glad I did because a few months later dad was diagnosed with terminal, inoperable cancer and mum was unwell. This photo is a great memory for us all.
My Children:
My children are the most important people in my life. When I was giving birth to my youngest child Lachlan, my three older children Tom and twins Sam and Kate were at an art class, Kate painted this for me – it is me pushing the pram with a very little baby in it and above are thee birds hovering over me, representing Kate and her two brothers because they were so excited to be welcoming another sibling. At the same art class they painted those cups and they have followed me to over office desk.
Dad’s old architecture tools:
Dad collected these old tools and when he died they were separated between my sisters and myself. They sit displayed in my office just as they were in his. I love their texture and often wonder about their history. They also show just how far we have come in terms of construction and architecture. They are beautiful.
I love football. I remember going every weekend with my dad and my uncle to watch Claremont play. As the years progressed I became a West Cost Eagles supporter and when my boys started playing football we joined as In the Wings members. This year we are finally fully fledged members and have four sears together. It is fantastic and the wait was worth it.
Neil and I:
This was taken 30 years ago at Neil’s 25th birthday in London. Neil and I met when I was about 19; we were both studying architecture at different universities and I was dating his friend. After graduating we moved to London in search of work. We married different people, went our separate ways and had families of our own. I divorced many years later and a short time later Neil got divorced. We caught up at an Institute of Architects function, fell back in love and have been together for a decade this year.
Our dogs:
I have always had dogs. When my first dog died 10 years ago ,we gave my eldest son Tom a Golden Retriever, Max, as a birthday present, and then we got our chocolate Labrador Milo a couple of years later when Neil and I blended our family of six kids. My youngest son Lachlan turned 15 this year and the black Labrador Winston was his birthday present. The dogs are part of our large family both at home and at work. They are loved so much and come with the added bonus of being wonderful stress relievers.
Suzanne Hunt FRAIA is an architect and the first female president of the Australian Institute of Architects (WA Chapter). She has worked on a broad range of projects both in Australia and the United Kingdom, including a recent residential project that is entered in the upcoming WA Architecture Awards.